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Promising you a warm welcome and a private patient experience

Here at the arona dental centre in Berlin, we believe in treating people with respect and consideration. We strive to be a professional and empathetic partner you can trust to help you take care of your dental health.

Your well-being is our top priority.

Das Miteinander im arona Zahnzentrum in Berlin basiert auf einem respektvollen und achtsamen Umgang miteinander. Unser Ziel ist es, Ihr kompetenter und empathischer Partner in allen Belangen rund um Ihre Zahngesundheit zu sein.

Ihr Wohl steht bei uns an erster Stelle.


All your dental needs taken care of. Right here.

The arona dental centre in Berlin brings together all the main dental disciplines under one roof – from the most basic check-ups to orthodontics and implantology. Trust us when we say that’s good news for you! It means that our specialists work together, side by side, in the same location. We’re committed to catering to all your dental needs right here. Every one of our specialists performs at their best for your benefit. Here’s what this means for you…

  • You don’t have to worry about being passed from one specialist to the next and dealing with multiple practices
  • You can draw on the combined expertise of our dental specialists working to a high level in all the different disciplines
  • Your records are always up to date, and you can save time by having fewer appointments
  • You get results faster, and quality standards are consistently high


Children love coming here for appointments

It’s so important to take care of your teeth – starting with the very first milk tooth. We see it as our responsibility to help with this. That’s why we aim to turn a visit to the dentist into a positive and even exciting experience for our youngest patients. We take great care to teach children about oral hygiene with empathy, patience and a friendly smile. Our fun and playful approach ensures that children see a trip to the dentist as an adventure.


Professional dental anxiety management

From cold sweats to fainting, we take your worries and concerns seriously before and during your visit to the dentist. People often associate the dentist with feelings of fear because of experiences during their childhood. We handle these feelings sensitively and carefully. And we have good news – it’s possible to leave all those fears behind you. Together, we can overcome the anxiety you feel about dental treatment. You’ll be back on the path to oral health in no time.

The full spectrum of dental health

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Zahnvorsorge & Prophylaxe

Prof. Zahnreinigung (PZR) und mehr

Damit Sie Ihr strahlendes Lachen behalten, sollten Ihre Zähne und Ihr Zahnfleisch gesund erhalten bleiben. Fangen Sie damit zu Hause an und nutzen Sie die professionellen Prophylaxe-Maßnahmen, die das arona Zahnzentrum in Berlin für Sie bereithält.

  • Professionelle Zahnreinigung (PZR)
  • Fissurenversiegelung

Zahnerhalt vor Zahnersatz

& mehr

Durch minimalinvasive Eingriffe versuchen wir möglichst viel von Ihrer gesunden Zahnsubstanz zu erhalten. Dieses Konzept wird von uns bei allen Behandlungen angewandt – insbesondere bei Karies, der Versorgung mit Implantaten und bei allen weiteren chirurgischen Eingriffen.

  • Wurzelbehandlung
  • Parodontose-Behandlung
  • Karies-Behandlung


Implantate und mehr

Zahnersatz ist ein breit gefächertes Thema und reicht vom Implantat eines einzelnen Zahnes bis hin zur Vollprothese. Übergreifend gilt jedoch: Altersunabhängig sollen Ihre »Dritten« nicht nur natürlich und gut aussehen, sondern perfekt sitzen und jede Alltagsituation bestens meistern.

  • Impantat / arona-special
  • Voll-/Teil-Prothese
  • Keramik Inlays /
  • Teilkronen in 1 - 2 Stunden (CEREC) arona-special


Chirurgische Kieferorthopädie,
Zahnspangen und mehr

Für Ihr strahlendes Lächeln mit geraden Zähnen und einen optimal passenden Zusammenbiss, setzen wir auf eine ganzheitliche Sichtweise, individuelle Behandlungskonzepte und moderne kieferorthopädische Apparaturen.

  • Kinder - kieferorthopädische Frühbehandlung
  • Chirurgische Kieferorthopädie
  • Feste Zahnspange
  • Unsichtbare Zahnspange / Aligner-Schiene
  • Brackets


Bleaching und mehr

Ein schönes Lächeln, das attraktive Zähne zeigt, ist heute eine Selbstverständlichkeit und für jeden machbar. Dabei sind die Behandlungsmöglichkeiten vielfältig und reichen von der Beseitigung störender Zahnverfärbungen bis hin zur unsichtbaren Korrektur bei Zahnfehlstellungen.

  • Professionelle Zahnreinigung (PZR)
  • Bleaching
  • Veneers / Non-Prep Veneers
  • Keramik-Inlays / Teilkronen
  • Unsichtbare Zahnspange


Die Zahlaufhellung – allgemein Bleaching genannt – gehört in den Bereich der Zahnästhetik. Hierbei werden störende Zahnverfärbungen durch ein optisch-­chemisches Verfahren (Zoom Power-­Bleaching) ohne Substanzverlust in einer einstündigen Sitzung aufgehellt bzw. beseitigt.


We do everything we can to see you as little as possible.

All our knowledge and skill go into taking care of your teeth and your well-being. For us, the best sign of a job well done is that we hardly ever see you! Hopefully, you’ll only need to pay us a visit for your standard check-ups. And maybe a catch-up over a cup of coffee. We just want to see you smile.


The answers to all your tooth-related questions

Wondering whether a trip to the dentist is too risky when Covid-19 is about? The answer is no, not at all. In fact, keeping your mouth healthy can help strengthen your immune system. And we have strict hygiene procedures in place to keep everyone as safe as possible.

If you’re suffering from symptoms like a cough or a fever and think you might have Covid-19, please give us a call or send us an email. We ask that you do not come to the practice in person.

We have the following measures in place without fail so you can feel safe as can be when you visit us for your appointment:

Large spaces
You’ll never struggle to keep your distance at our dental centre in Berlin. Our reception area and waiting room are nice and spacious, so you won’t ever feel too close to other patients.

Hygiene expertise
The dental sector was committed to infection prevention long before the first wave of Covid-19. You can rest assured that we take our hygiene procedures extremely seriously at all times. We require all members of staff to wear a face mask in all our treatment rooms, the reception area and the waiting room.

Short waiting times
Our promise to keep waiting times to a minimum helps you stick to your schedule and stay healthy.
It limits the amount of time you spend in contact with other patients in the waiting room.

Daily testing for all staff
We encourage our employees to get vaccinated, but we also go one step further than that for everyone’s safety. We ensure that every member of staff tests for Covid-19 every day – regardless of whether or not they’re vaccinated. This allows us to catch any positive tests before the employee starts their shift, which reduces the risk of colleagues and patients catching the virus too.

Masks and social distancing
We require all members of staff to wear a face mask in all our treatment rooms. This is a requirement for employees and patients in our reception area and waiting room, too. We also enforce social distancing (1.5 metres) in our reception area and waiting room.

We have a lift to ensure easy access. And you won’t ever have any trouble getting all the way to the treatment chair – even if you’re in a wheelchair or pushing a pram.